Bid Writing Training

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Improve bid team cohesion through in-depth understanding

Bid Lifecycle

Bid Lifecycle provides an overview of the proposal process, and addresses what is required to produce a winning public sector proposal.

It consists of:

  • Differences between a technical report and a proposal
  • Competitive Tendering –examples of PQQs and ITTs
  • How public sector bids are evaluated

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Ensure you answer the specific question

Answering the Question

Many writers fail to answer the question. Answering the Question presents the answer outlining process to address this critical step in winning an ITT.

It consists of:

  • What is an answer outline — answer outline components
  • SWOT & why choose us
  • Answer the question – analysis of a losing PQQ

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Consistently score highly for each answer

Writing High Scoring Answers

To win a public sector bid, every single answer counts, and gaining the highest possible score is paramount to winning the bid. Writing High Scoring Answers focuses on how to write higher scoring answers.

It consists of:

  • High scoring answer structure – breaking down the wall of words
  • Making your answers easy to evaluate – drafting and editing, features vs benefits
  • Graphics, styles and proof reading
  • Writing timings and bid logistics

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Raise your game by implementing team reviews

An Effective Reviews Process

An Effective Reviews Process outlines key winning tactics to conduct peer reviews of the answer outlines, and the final draft.

It explains what happens at these reviews, and consists of:

  • Answer outline reviews – the Pink Team
  • Final draft reviews – the Red Team
  • When these reviews occur in the bid process

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