Bid Lifecycle – Module Overview
This module is designed to improve bid team cohesion, through:
– Achieving a common understanding about writing proposals
– Demonstrating that proposals are a key part of the sales process
The sections covered in this module are:
1. Proposals vs Technical Reports – there are crucial differences between them
2. Proposals Are Part of the Sales Process – an overview of the entire bid lifecycle
3. Bid – No-Bid Decision – assessing your chances of success
4. Competitive Tendering: PQQs, ITTs etc. – overview on the different types of tenders
5. How Public Sector Bids Are Evaluated – points are the battleground
6. Evolution of Proposal Best Practice – the innovative ideas from the 60’s that are still relevant today
7. ITT Competitive Analysis – assessing how you stack up against the competition for your next tender
8. An Effective Proposal Development Process – overview of the proven, repeatable, process steps
9. Why Do Proposals Fail? – what you need to do to succeed